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Playback Theatre

Playback Theatre is an improvisational theatrical form that focuses on the story & the storyteller.  Honestly portraying experiences given to us from the audience, Playback Theatre strengthens community, empathy, and idendity 

Fall Workshop 2017


Originally gathered to perform for the Florida State Attorneys office sex crimes division.  Comprised of grad and undergrad students, we rehearsed for 4 weeks culminating in a intimate performance for 

Orlando based social workers.  

"I Am Sybil's Student"

Storytelling- Spring 2018


Led by supremely gifted leaders, a class was created to highlight the use of Playback as a form of storytelling. I was lucky enough to be asked to be musican for this reincarnation- and the results were magical.  

"March For Our Lives"

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Playback UCF 


Now in it's second year, Playback UCF is continuing to provide the playback opportunity for both students and audiences to experience theatre for social change.

"Butterfly Teacher"

"Roommate Troubles"

"I Think I Can Do This"

"I Remember- Nov 9th 2018"

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